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Authors: Almeida, Valmir Machado de
Title: As interações entre professor-aluno e suas implicações para a constituição do profissional da saúde: um estudo de caso no curso técnico de enfermagem
Keywords: Building of the technical nurse;Interation between teacher and student;Educational practices;Educação;Constituição do técnico em enfermagem;Interação professor-aluno;Práticas educativas
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Centro Universitário La Salle
Abstract: The research, called case study, focuses on the interaction between teachers and students in the educational context of technical teaching and its implications in the future of the Technical Nurse professional. Its investigative problematic is: “What are the conceptions of the students from the third term of the Nurse Technical course regarding the interaction between students and teachers in the educational context and how these interactions imply through the process of future building of the Technical Nurse”? The theoretical referrence is based on Vygotsky´s assumptions when this paper refers to the interactions in the teaching-learning process, relating to authors who discuss their theoretical postulations as well as other authors who problematise the professional building in the health area. The empirical field is the Instituto Pró-Universidade Canoense (IPUC), Institution located in Canoas City, in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul. The participants of the study are the students from the third semester of the Nurse Technical Course offered by IPUC. Data collection was done in two steps. In the first one, twenty students from the third semester of the Nurse Technical Course participated. In the second step, pairs voted for students who were seen as the most representative in terms of posture and actions which benefit the interaction between student and teacher in the schooling routine. The most notable students participated in the Case Study and the tool for that was a semi-structured interview. For data analyses this paper used a technique called Content Analyses (Análise de Conteúdo), proposed by Bardin. The findings of the study showed that the process of interaction are very important for the professional who integrates in a harmonical and balanced way, personal and professional dimensions in his life road. It is also stated that education, regarding technical aspects is also an important space for a group of acknoledgement, rules and techniques which help the future professional to understand the human in his totality and also have interventions in a more humanised way.
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Sarmento, Dirléia Fanfa
Appears in Collections:Dissertação (PPGE)

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