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Authors: Leiria, Mirian Silva de Moraes
Title: Afetos positivos e negativos, satisfação com a vida, resiliência e estresse percebido em policiais da brigada militar.
Keywords: Military Brigade;Satisfaction with Life;Resilience;Positive Affects;Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano;Brigada Militar;Satisfação com a vida;Resiliência;Afetos positivos
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Universidade La Salle
Abstract: The present research aims to analyze the emotional structure of police officers of the Military Brigade, to describe the first steps of the Institution from its genesis to the present, and to address the theme: Positive and Negative Affection, Life Satisfaction and Resilience and perceived stress in police of the Military Brigade. This theme is propitious in view of the great commitment these police have in maintaining their mental health in the face of so much violence witnessed in their work routine, which is the basis of the research. This study is linked to Health Promotion and Evaluation that integrates the Master in Health and Human Development. Participated in this research, state military servants of both sexes, where the objective is the qualitative and quantitative application of the elements and data in order to verify what are the major trends within the Police Corps of the Military Brigade of, which lead to existential problems capable of destabilizing the military. The survey of the qualitative and quantitative results, showed throughout the research, factors of expression of dissatisfaction with the physical and relational environment, but it is still possible to contact different profiles within this variable, also finding satisfied military personnel and with aspirations of development, not intending with this research establishing a psychological pattern among the military, but to verify how to give appropriate assistance to those whose mental health framework is fragile.
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Kortmann, Gilca Maria Lucena
Appears in Collections:Dissertação (PPGSDH)

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